A stampede of little blond boys
rush to one end of the indoor soccer field.
The rubber spikes of their cleats
on the shiny Astroturf.
Blood drawn to their pale faces
as they breathe in unison
through their mouths.
Some parents -at the edge of the sideline-
puff out their chests and call out
to their yellow-headed sons
in vain,
"To the left Tommy, we talked about this in the car!"
"Come on Ref- that was in!"
The others sit on benches
sipping fair-trade coffee
in Styrofoam sups-
fiddling with their Blackberries-
and occasionally glancing up at the timer
21:20... 21:19... 21:18
A stampede of little blond boys
rush to one end of the indoor soccer field.
The rubber spikes of their cleats
on the shiny Astroturf.
Blood drawn to their pale faces
as they breathe in unison
through their mouths.
Some parents -at the edge of the sideline-
puff out their chests and call out
to their yellow-headed sons
in vain,
"To the left Tommy, we talked about this in the car!"
"Come on Ref- that was in!"
The others sit on benches
sipping fair-trade coffee
in Styrofoam sups-
fiddling with their Blackberries-
and occasionally glancing up at the timer
21:20... 21:19... 21:18
Thank you for reading! -Lauren
This is great, Lauren. I love how the soccer game is used as a metaphor for peoples goals. :) You should be proud, this is a well written piece.