What happened to the days
Of castles, and princesses,
And knights in shining armor?
What happened to chivalry,
romance and passion,
and intimate conversation?
Have these days long past?
Or is it only for the lucky ones?
Has it gotten old and cliché?
Lovers come, and lovers go.
Lust runs ramped, names unknown.
Yet loneliness lies everywhere.
Do soul mates exist?
Or do we settle?
Is it biology, or is it political?
Is love a truly human desire?
Or have we learned dependency?
After all, sex does sell.
Oh glory be the all mighty dollar!
How we worship thee in your grace!
Sustainer of life, bringer of dreams.
If I pray to you for love;
Love that is everlasting and true,
will you bring me Ryan Reynolds?
What has happened to humanity?
Are we afraid to let ourselves feel love?
Or has love become a myth of the past?

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